Friday, July 22, 2011

Those times when its hard...

Ever had one of those times when your Bible reading just wasn't what it aught to be? Oh sure, you kept up with it and you read, even maybe a lot. But you weren't really learning anything and God wasn't really speaking to you in a tangible way.

Hard times. I know. Happens to me too. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who has this problem. 

But know whose fault it is that I'm not getting anything out of my devotions? Oh sure, I like blaming the fact that I'm busy or that other people keep interrupting me, or that I'm sleepy....... there's any number of excuses that I could use. But when it comes right down to it, its no one's fault but my own. 

God is always there for me, and He's always waiting to talk to me. He loves me, and always wants to be with me. Am I treasuring that special time with Him the way I should, or has it become old hat or even dry and boring? Do I need a spiritual revitalization? Is my walk with God fresh and new each day?

I'm going to end with a story that kind of "hit" me not terribly long ago with the fact that God is always waiting for me.

A man was convicted about the fact that he needed to spend more time with his God every day. He decided to set aside a special time and place where he would meet the Lord. Every day he went there, and every time, he found his God waiting to spend that precious time together. But the man got busier, and soon he started to skip a day every now and then. And slowly but surely, it became less of a priority until he dropped it all together. For several weeks he simply did not take the time to meet his God. 
Until finally, he heard a message that convicted him again. He returned to the same place as he had before and as he walked in the door, he found the Lord waiting for him. He blushed in shame and timidly asked the Lord how often He had been coming. And He replied, "I was here, every day, waiting for you."

God is always there, and He always cares to spend time with us. Is that important enough for you?

Make today count! Its all you're guaranteed.
~ Amanda ♥

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