Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Second chances

How amazing our God is! That He would forgive our sins and continue to allow us to serve Him when we had wronged Him so much!

And how great He is to allow us to try again, and to give us second and even third chances..... Even more than that! He is always growing and changing us to become more like Him and giving us more opportunities to serve Him.

I am so sincerely thankful for the mercy of my Saviour and His second chances. When I have messed things up royally and my whole life doesn't make sense, I can find a quiet place and hear His voice. Sometimes He uses others to show me how wrong I am, or where I have strayed from His perfect plan for my life...

But always, He is ready to forgive and forget and give me one more chance to serve Him. And I love Him with all my heart!

Make your life count!