Sunday, July 31, 2011

What are you living for?

You know, sin can certainly be fun. It so often seems exciting and adventurous, and something that will be cool to get away with. Our fleshly, worldly heart loves this kind of fun and seeks to convince us that its ok to do just once, and we won't get caught.

But even though its fun for a while, or exciting, it always ends up hurting us in the end. The smallest things (or so we think) often have large consequences that follow them. One little choice today could change the rest of your life. And the thing is, we don't even know when those choices come!! We don't know what today, could change our future.

Every time we choose to sin, even for a little bit, or just a fun little thing, its gonna hurt us down the road. Oh, the pain may not come for a long time, or it may be immediate. But it will come. I promise you that. The Bible says in Numbers 32:23b: " sure your sin will find you out."

Whether the consequences of your pet sin (and we all have them) find you out now, or sometime in the future, be sure that God won't let you get away with it forever. Maybe you'll even make it through your whole life without anyone knowing what you really struggle with. But even if you do, in Heaven you will be found out.

So why choose sin? Why let it ruin your life? Its not going to pay. It may be fun for a time, but it will always catch up to you. What choices will you make today to change your future? Will they be choices to forsake sin and do right, or will you choose the pleasure of sin for a season?

Sin is always fun for a time, but it will always hurt you in the end.

Make today count, but live for tomorrow!!!
~ Amanda ♥

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thanks to all

Just wanted to say thank you to all for praying for my cousin that had heart surgery this week. We are going to visit him tomorrow and I can't wait to see him!!! 

It means a lot to have so many friends that I can send a prayer request to and know that they will respond. 

Thanks again and praise the Lord for His mercy and grace and for the friends He has given me :)

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I was weeding the garden today and thinking about how much gardening is like our spiritual life with Christ.

Especially in regards to the weeds. Weeds are a nuisance in a garden and can easily be compared to sins in our lives.

- Weeds in a garden zap the life out of the plants around them. They not only block them from the sun, they take the moisture and goodness intended for the plant and use it for themselves. Just like sins in our lives. They zap the life out of our walk with Christ. They take our time, and use our life and energy for things that are worthless and useless, and then we don't have the time to serve God.

- Weeds also stunt the potential life of the plant. If the plant is deprived of sunlight and nutrients, it takes away what the plant could have been someday. Even if the weeds are taken away, it still is never going to be what it could of been. When our walk with the Lord is deprived, we lose step with God and backslide. The Christian walk never stands still. Its like paddling a canoe up a river. If you stop paddling, you don't just sit there, you go backwards. You have to keep paddling just to stay in place, and paddle even harder to actually go anywhere. If we stop growing, we backslide. Its one or the other. And every time we backslide, we lose ground. Once we lose it, we can never fully regain the ground we've lost. We can never be where we would once have been.

- When the ground around a plant is saturated with water, its not only good for the plant, it also makes the weeds easy to pull up. When we are saturated with the Word of God in our lives, not only is it good for our growth, it makes the weeds and sins in our life easier to get rid of. Things that God wishes us to remove from our lives seem much less important and easy to get rid of when we are close in step with Him.

Don't let the weeds of sin choke your spiritual potential!! Be everything that God wants you to be, today! 

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Achieve the impossible!

My brother and I were having a discussion about someone we know that seems to be able to accomplish whatever he wants to. He makes up his mind to do something, and he has the drive, the determination, and the work ethic to see it through. It seems there's no limits!! It would be amazing to see such a person on fire for the Lord. Imagine what he could accomplish!

We also talked about the other end of the spectrum. There's people like our friend who can, as I put it "achieve the impossible." They can do anything they put their mind to! But there's others that have to have reachable goals or they get frustrated and discouraged. I am definitely a person like that. If I set a goal too high, it just depresses me and I quit before I ever get close to reaching it. I know that's a character flaw that I need to work on.

I wonder, what kind of person are you? I don't believe that either one is necessarily right or wrong, although I definitely believe the "achieve the impossible" type is much better and more desirable. Are you setting small goals that let you see your progress, or are you reaching for the sky, and determined to succeed?

This applies to our walk with the Lord as well. With His help, we can achieve the impossible, since we know that without Him we are helpless. And in this area of life, I believe that there is only one right attitude. We should always be striving to set not just our affections, but our goals on higher things. Literally, reach for the stars! Set high goals of where you want to be in your Christian walk, and live up to them! Ask God to help you when you struggle and to give you the drive and the determination to reach your goals, even if they seem impossible. He can help you know where your goals are low, and give you the strength to reach your high ones. Don't let yourself be content with just being an average Christian. God didn't call us to be average, He called us to be lights in this world.

Don't think that because I'm writing this that I have it all figured out. The Lord often uses my own blog posts to convict my heart because He knows that I need this as much as anyone. I have so much farther to go before I will ever really know my God. He is so much more than I can fathom!!

I've discovered that there are two kinds of people in this life. Those who set low, reachable goals, and those who can achieve the impossible. Which kind are you?

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Friday, July 22, 2011

Those times when its hard...

Ever had one of those times when your Bible reading just wasn't what it aught to be? Oh sure, you kept up with it and you read, even maybe a lot. But you weren't really learning anything and God wasn't really speaking to you in a tangible way.

Hard times. I know. Happens to me too. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who has this problem. 

But know whose fault it is that I'm not getting anything out of my devotions? Oh sure, I like blaming the fact that I'm busy or that other people keep interrupting me, or that I'm sleepy....... there's any number of excuses that I could use. But when it comes right down to it, its no one's fault but my own. 

God is always there for me, and He's always waiting to talk to me. He loves me, and always wants to be with me. Am I treasuring that special time with Him the way I should, or has it become old hat or even dry and boring? Do I need a spiritual revitalization? Is my walk with God fresh and new each day?

I'm going to end with a story that kind of "hit" me not terribly long ago with the fact that God is always waiting for me.

A man was convicted about the fact that he needed to spend more time with his God every day. He decided to set aside a special time and place where he would meet the Lord. Every day he went there, and every time, he found his God waiting to spend that precious time together. But the man got busier, and soon he started to skip a day every now and then. And slowly but surely, it became less of a priority until he dropped it all together. For several weeks he simply did not take the time to meet his God. 
Until finally, he heard a message that convicted him again. He returned to the same place as he had before and as he walked in the door, he found the Lord waiting for him. He blushed in shame and timidly asked the Lord how often He had been coming. And He replied, "I was here, every day, waiting for you."

God is always there, and He always cares to spend time with us. Is that important enough for you?

Make today count! Its all you're guaranteed.
~ Amanda ♥

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Others first? Part 2

Another part of this whole putting others first thing came into light the other day. A friend of mine told me that I was insecure because I needed assurance all the time from other people. I never saw myself that way, or thought that I was, but it made me think.........

Am I so worried about what other people think of me, that I am in a way, putting them before even my God? Is their opinion of me what rules my life and changes how I think, or is my life controlled by my Saviour?

I know its something that I def need work on, and I'm glad this person brought it up. I wonder, where do people fit in your life? Who are you really putting first?

(Aren't friends great? ;)

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A little rain

We had a little rain today...

Hah!!! Let me try that again.

We had a terrential downpour today.

Hmmmmm..... still not cutting it. One more time....

We had the worst flooding ever in all the years we lived here today.

There!! That is pretty close to the truth :) 

Yup!! It was absolutely POURING for about an hour, and our driveway is underwater. I seriously took some pictures you'd think were in a river. And technically, they are. My younger siblings are going swimming in our front yard. I'm not even kidding!! They literally put on swimsuits and are slip and sliding and diving and splashing all over the place.

Of course, the storm was amazing. I stood out and watched almost the whole thing. Of course, got totally drenched. ;) I've completely soaked two outfits today. Hopefully I can stay dry this time... 

Here's a few pictures, just to give you a little bit of an idea. And remember, this is our front yard..... (forgive the dumb timestamps. I had to use my parent's camera and it does that...They were all taken today.)

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Its our fault....

I mentioned this somewhat in my first post but it has been something I've been thinking about a lot lately, so its come up again.

Its really been a challenge to me, as my pastor has been preaching on this country, how much of what is wrong with it is our fault! And by "our," I mean God's people. Because we have turned our backs on Him, and no longer trust Him to lead our country and our individual lives, He is turning His back on America.

I love this country so much. It thrills my heart to hear our national anthem or any patriotic song, and it is breathtaking to watch her beautiful flag waving in the breeze. I stand in awe of the privilege to live here, and pray that I never lose that focus. I can never take it for granted, because so many men and women have given their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor that I might be free.

But the responsibility of leading this country, and of returning her heart to her God is falling on the shoulders of my generation. America has been through a lot in the last 100 years, and most of it is not for the better. She is struggling now, and its up to us to get her back on track.

Will you take the challenge? Will you, if you are a child of God, take the responsibility of humbling yourself and turning to God? 

If we don't, who will?

Let Us Stand

The thrill of pride as our flag touches the sky.
The feeling of wonder at a bald eagle's cry.
As proud and strong as the soldiers who fight for us
So still and silent a fallen one's hush.

This country so proud
So brave, strong and free.
Holds liberty for all
For them, you and me.

But we lose our liberties as we lose sight of our God.
The freedom we've fought for and so costly won
Will all be lost unless we submit to His Word.
Because the more we ignore Him, the less He is heard.

Turn back to your God
Oh Christians of this land
So that our flag will not fall
And our freedom will stand.

True freedom and liberty come through bondage to Christ
So from the ashes of this land, let a new standard rise!
Pray for salvation. Be strong! Take the hand
Of America, our country, and fight for this land.

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lonely Soldier

This is a poem I wrote quite a while ago. I'm sure some have seen it, but it is very strong, and really kind of gets to you. I like it, and just wanted to share it again.

Remember to thank your soldiers, wherever and whenever you see them. They give it all, to protect your freedom.

Lonely Soldier

A lonely solder
Stands tall, strong, and true.
He's come home from fighting
For me and for you.

There's no crowd to meet him
No thunderous applause.
No one cheers his welcome
As he stops to pause.

He eyes search the room
For a familiar face.
If there's someone he knows
That locks to his gaze.

Then he sees that face
Staring into his eyes.
A face filled with joy!
A face that cries.

He drops his bag
And his strides become fast.
She rushes to his arms, saying -
"You're home! safe at last!!"

Some stop to look
And some eyes start to mist.
They suddenly realize
The hero in their midst.

And now someone claps
And they all start to cheer.
This brave and true soldier
Holding his wife so dear.

The lonely soldier 
Is lonely no more.
So many are glad
He's returned to their shore.

Someone hands him his bag
Another shakes his hand
"Thank you, Soldier
For fighting for our land."

As the soldier and wife
Start to walk to the door
The cheering grows louder
And bags drop to the floor.

This soldier's a hero
Who gave all for our land.
He'd have given his life
On some foreign strand.

Thank your soldiers
For their great sacrifice.
Because for your freedoms
They pay the price.

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Friday, July 15, 2011

Others first?

Martha was a servant, and was always doing. But she worried about it, and it consumed her life and she didn't have time for the Lord because she was too busy serving. Mary chose to seek the Lord first and learn at His feet. (Luke 10:40-42)

Sometimes I wonder, am I letting service to others get in the way of my relationship with the Lord? Its easy to concentrate on the people around me and neglect my walk with the Lord. Am I helping others with their walk with God while neglecting my own?

Am I a Mary, really living close to the Lord and learning at His feet, or am I too busy with other things? What is my real priority in life? Having others as a priority above oneself is good, but am I letting them take first place, ahead of the Lord?

Just some thoughts...

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Thursday, July 14, 2011


These chickens we have are so cute..... but boy do they like to eat! They are always eating, and every time food is put in front of them, they chow down like they have never eaten before in their lives. And when they see someone coming, they come running!

Makes me wonder, do I "come running" when my God calls me? Am I as hungry and starved for His Word and the feeding I can get from it as those little chickens do when they see food coming?

Do I look to my Father as the only provider of the spiritual food I need? Or am I looking to other people or sources to fill the spiritual needs I have?

Just made me think....How about you?
Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

so cute :)

Had to get a post in quick. I know this is late but couldn't miss a day!! (ok, I know, its already tomorrow, but oh well. I tried.)

My brain's tired so you're just getting pics tonight. Of our new baby chicks! :) 

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just agree....

A recent situation involving people I love dearly has prompted me to spill the thoughts of my heart. And that's what this blog is for. So please, understand that as I write, I'm just opening my heart up to you.

Its so hard to grow up. Especially when I don't understand why I'm expected to such and such or why something is wrong when I think its fine. Its the hardest thing for me to try to just conform when I don't understand. I feel like I need to believe it for myself and understand why it is right or wrong before I can live it.
And you know, that is true. My beliefs have to be mine before I will really stand up for them and they become the ideas and convictions that shape my life and who I am. 

But in another sense, sometimes its not important that I understand. Sometimes, you just have to agree, and not understand. And boy oh boy, is that hard to do. I know I'm as guilty as anyone at trying to stick everything inside my own naive little brain and thinking that I know best in everything. That is sooooooo not the case. I know so very little and any wisdom or knowledge I do have is a generous gift from my God and often a result of struggles in my life.

Agreeing without understanding... So very hard to do, but so important! Think about it this way. God asks us to do some things that are hard to understand. He asks us to trust in Him for things that are completely foreign to the way we would normally think, or to how we are used to doing things. He asks us to give all and trust that He will provide our needs. 
The most amazing thing that I do not understand, but know with all of my heart to be true is this. God asks us to fully surrender to whatever He plans for us, and then makes it the best thing we could want or desire!!! How incredible! I cannot for the life of me understand why that is true. But I am so thankful that it is.

So as a challenge to you, here's a thought. What has God asked you to do? Or an authority in your life? Is there something you just don't understand, and cannot see to be true? Sometimes, you just have to trust, and agree without understanding.

There is a song I've heard that says a lot of the same things I've been saying. However, I have to put a disclaimer in because I don't think the song/songwriter is the best kind of music. But the words are really powerful, so I'm going to post them. Please do not take this as endorsement of the person who wrote it.

Trust His Heart

All things work for our good
Though sometimes we don't see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth
Our Father knows what best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim
And you just don't see Him
Remember you're never alone

He sees the master plan
And He holds our future in His hand
So don't live as those who have no hope
All our hope is found in Him
We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry
He's weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart

He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you

When you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart 

© Babbie Mason

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Monday, July 11, 2011

Best friends :)

I wasn't originally going to write about this. But I had an interesting conversation with a friend that kind of made me rethink how I see the people around me and friends in particular. What's my focus?

And you know what I came up with? Being someone's best friend, or thinking about if I am, or worrying about it, or being jealous of someone who is..... All mean I'm not content! If I'm not happy with the friends I have, or I am worrying about it all the time, that basically means I'm not content with the life my God has given me. I want something different. But, by wanting more, I'm wanting less than all He has given me. He has given me everything I could ever need, and if I want more than that....... I'm an ungrateful wretch!

Besides that, He's the Best Friend I could ever want, need, or have. He's the only One Who's always there for me, and the only One I can constantly depend on. People are going to fail me all the time, and no one is going to be perfect. That's just life. There is no perfect friend. And as close as any person here on earth can be, I have to always be closest to my Saviour to be contented and truly happy. 
Anyways, if I'm always worrying about it, I'm just being selfish. Only the Lord knows how much I struggle with that.....

I'll end with a poem I wrote today on this very subject. I hope that its a blessing to you, because all this has really touched my heart and changed my viewpoint.

Best Friend

I often long to be first choice
Of someone that I know.
And have a friend who's always close to me
Along this way I go.

I wonder if someday perhaps
I'll have a friend so dear.
Who'll always be there for me
And when my heart cries out, will hear.

But when I tend to dwell
On these confusing kinds of thoughts.
I realize that my God above
Is the very best Friend I've got!

He loves me when no one else could
And He's forever there for me.
He's always desirous of my time
And showed His love on Calvary.

When I'm in trouble and need some help
He's always there to control my way.
And when I'm sad and need a shoulder
I can lean on Him as long as I wish to stay.

He's my All and fills my every need
His power can keep and rule my path
And whatever I need to cope with life
There is no doubt, but I know He has.

He's my Best Friend and I need no other
So I'll love Him best and trust Him most.
And to no one else in this whole world
Will I ever be quite as close.

Who's your best friend?

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Awesome power!!!

So far, I've done a blog post every day. And I'd really like to continue that tradition. But I sat down at the computer today, and couldn't think of what to post. No poems came to mind, and nothing amazing or terribly clever to write about either.....

And then it started to storm. I don't mean that it started to lightly rain, and the clouds made pretty forms in the sky as they gently let their moisture fall. Oh no. It started to storm.... and that means it was hard! Big time winds and rain pelting the windows. It'll be one massive mud puddle outside tomorrow, I'm sure. 

But I love storms. For one thing, I always sleep well when it storms ;). However, the real reason I love them so much is that are such an awesome picture of God's power! The fury of a storm lashing out at the world it's hitting, and the rain beating into the ground......
But especially the lightning that slashes across the sky, or completely lights it up. It is so incredible! What a powerful God to put on such a beautiful display for us! And then there's the rolling thunder that sends a thrill though your body. Ever stopped to really feel the thunder? I'm telling you, its better than any rollercoaster!

So as I enjoy the storm tonight, even with all the damage it causes, I will be thinking of my powerful and amazing God, and this mighty creation He has given me.
I hope that you can see the Lord's power in your life, through the storms in nature, and through whatever storm He's brought to your soul now. Rest in peace with Him knowing that He controls even the storms.

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Cleaning the windows....

Most of us at one time or another have cleaned a window or a mirror. I've cleaned several rather dirty ones.... Streaked and gobs of mud on them, you can't hardly even tell they're there. Or maybe the screen is full of grime and dead bugs, and its just ugly to look at. Its a pain to clean, but how rewarding when it is clear and beautiful again!

Our lives are like windows. The world is on one side, and Jesus Christ, the Sun, is on the other. God looks down on us and Jesus covers our sin. Like looking from the outside at a window on a sunny day, you can't really see the window itself, you can only see the sun reflecting it. 
But it works both ways. The world is on the other side of the window. If it is clean, the sun comes through, and shines on whatever is inside.
However, if our lives are dirty, and sin is left unconfessed, it streaks and dirties the window like someone throwing mud on it. Now, you can see the window  from the outside even when the sun is shining, because the mud brings it out. It draws attention to the glass instead of the sun. And its not so clear or bright, shining through to the inside because of the dirt that is blocking out the sun.

What kind of a window are you? Are you clean and pure and beautiful, reflecting the Sun and letting it shine through to a lost and dark world that needs it desperately? Or is there mud and dirt and dead bugs that are making it hard to see the Sun through you?

God is the Master at window cleaning, and only He can take away the sin in someone's life. Even better, when our lives are scarred like cracks in a window, only He can fix them so that we don't shatter.

Shine on and let your life be a reflection of the Son!

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Friday, July 8, 2011

First pictures....

I said that photography would be a part of this blog, so I suppose its time I posted some pictures :) These are not necessarily all new pictures, but they are all original work :) No editing whatsoever has been done to any picture, and they are in no particular order.


Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Someone to be there....

I love my friends. Every day, someone, somewhere, somehow manages to be a blessing to me.

God did not make us islands unto ourselves, and it is so true. We're here on this earth to be a blessing to others whose paths we cross. We are to be a light for the Light here in this dark world. If we don't reach out to others and be someone that they can trust and look up to, who will?

Am a friend to the world or a friend to God? Sound confusing? I believe with all my heart we have to be a friend to God to reach the world. If we aren't close to God, we won't be different from the world. And if we're no different, how will the world see Jesus through us?

Here's the words to a song that really has challenged me with the way I look at the world around me, and how I relate to it.

A World We Never Touch

He walked along the shores of Galilee
From clay He formed the healing balm that caused the blind to see.
When stones of wrath weighed heavy in their hands
He knelt to write his mercy in the sands.
Jesus came to set the captives free
Showed us by the way He lived the way we need to be.
Our love is more than words could ever say.
We must touch them with compassion to help them find their way.

How can we reach a world we never touch?
How can we show them Christ if we never show them love?
Just to say we care will never be enough.
How can we reach a world we never touch?

Could we be so busy being saved,
Trying to impress a world that’s long since lost its way?
We pride ourselves in being set apart
Yet we don’t take time to touch a broken heart.
Even if we found the time to care
Would we take the risk involved in always being there?
Oh, we hold the very thing they need so much!
Sometimes the word of God can pass through a simple touch.

How can we reach a world we never touch?
How can we show them Christ if we never show them love?
Just to say we care will never be enough.
How can we reach a world we never touch?

We hide behind these walls and the security of friends
While beyond the stained glass windows the world is lost in sin.

How can we reach a world we never touch?
How can we show them Christ if we never show them love?
Just to say we care will never be enough.
How can we reach a world we never touch?

How can we reach a world we never touch?

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥