Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The end is in sight!

So the end of the year is coming. Finally! Speaking of that, this is finals week.

Not that I necessarily wanted it all to end. It's weird, because I'm pretty sure I was a lot more anxious to go home for Spring Break than I am now. But I am really excited for the change and I know this summer is going to hold lots of good things. I'm going to be so incredibly busy it's not even funny.

One thing is for sure though, I only have a few more days to spend with these people that I have grow to love in the last year. I could never have guessed how much they would mean to me in just two semesters. I will miss them so much and it will be very hard to leave.

This makes it all the more important to treasure the time that I have left here. Some of these people are seniors that I will most likely never see again. Or if I do, it will certainly never be the same. But it is God's plan and His ways are perfect! :)

I'm going to add a poem that fits this blog post exquisitely well. I wrote it quite a while back, but I don't think I've posted it before. I hope it is a blessing! :)


Treasure the moments with friends
That make life so worthwhile.
When a friend asks you to walk with them
Walk not a foot, but a mile.

Love and friendship
Are what make sweetest dreams.
The memories that last a lifetime
Are the moments hardest to leave.

Treasure each moment of life
You don’t know how long till it ends.
But this is true, along life’s way
Time’s always sweeter with friends.

Give all your best, and give all your love
You never know what treasures you’ll find.
Give your best, spend time with your friends
And leave some footprints behind.

Make today count! 
~ Amanda ♥

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Lives You Touch

Tomorrow is the start of College Days at GSBC and it has made me reminisce about last year at this time, when I first visited this amazing place. I was so nervous. I knew without a doubt that this was where the Lord wanted me. Happiness was not going to be the issue. But I didn't know just how well I would fit in. What would the people think of me?

I've talked to several people about it, and gotten their opinions on what they first thought of me. I was so backward! I didn't have a clue what college was all about and I was not prepared. From my dress to my mentality, I wasn't ready for what hit me when I walked on campus.

Now I've acclimated to it so much, I can hardly remember being that way. But one thing is for sure.

I really remember how I felt.

I was so scared! This tiny campus seemed huge and I was continually getting lost. Mixed up was a constant state of mind, but I wanted to act like I knew what I was doing so I rarely asked for help. Sure, it was a pride thing. I wasn't a stupid high schooler that everyone had to look down on! Ok, so maybe I was.

Guess what? I made it. I had a good time, and everyone was so splendidly nice to me. I loved being here and literally counted down the days until I came here for school.

One thing is for sure, the people here never realized how much they changed my life just by accepting me the way I was. Backward and all, they loved the person inside instead of the shell outside, and made College Days a fun experience. If they had scorned me or laughed at me, I most certainly would not be in the will of God today.

I wonder now, whose life is it my turn to influence? I could never have imagined that people I only saw from a distance would be some of my closest friends on earth. Who is coming tomorrow that will change my life? And will there be someone whose life I can change?

It's such an incredible thought. Sometimes we overlook the most important things in our lives. Actually, we do it quite often. We are so worried about our papers, and all the things that have to be done that we overlook the really important part....


Real, living, breathing, caring, feeling people.

They are watching all the time. There is someone out there who watches you when you don't know they are there. You are unconsciously touching their life. You are shaping who they are and you don't even realize they exist.

To the world you may be one person, but most assuredly, to someone, somewhere, you are the whole world.

Whose life will you touch? You may never get another change with that one person. Don't waste the opportunities that God gives you.

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥