Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just agree....

A recent situation involving people I love dearly has prompted me to spill the thoughts of my heart. And that's what this blog is for. So please, understand that as I write, I'm just opening my heart up to you.

Its so hard to grow up. Especially when I don't understand why I'm expected to such and such or why something is wrong when I think its fine. Its the hardest thing for me to try to just conform when I don't understand. I feel like I need to believe it for myself and understand why it is right or wrong before I can live it.
And you know, that is true. My beliefs have to be mine before I will really stand up for them and they become the ideas and convictions that shape my life and who I am. 

But in another sense, sometimes its not important that I understand. Sometimes, you just have to agree, and not understand. And boy oh boy, is that hard to do. I know I'm as guilty as anyone at trying to stick everything inside my own naive little brain and thinking that I know best in everything. That is sooooooo not the case. I know so very little and any wisdom or knowledge I do have is a generous gift from my God and often a result of struggles in my life.

Agreeing without understanding... So very hard to do, but so important! Think about it this way. God asks us to do some things that are hard to understand. He asks us to trust in Him for things that are completely foreign to the way we would normally think, or to how we are used to doing things. He asks us to give all and trust that He will provide our needs. 
The most amazing thing that I do not understand, but know with all of my heart to be true is this. God asks us to fully surrender to whatever He plans for us, and then makes it the best thing we could want or desire!!! How incredible! I cannot for the life of me understand why that is true. But I am so thankful that it is.

So as a challenge to you, here's a thought. What has God asked you to do? Or an authority in your life? Is there something you just don't understand, and cannot see to be true? Sometimes, you just have to trust, and agree without understanding.

There is a song I've heard that says a lot of the same things I've been saying. However, I have to put a disclaimer in because I don't think the song/songwriter is the best kind of music. But the words are really powerful, so I'm going to post them. Please do not take this as endorsement of the person who wrote it.

Trust His Heart

All things work for our good
Though sometimes we don't see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth
Our Father knows what best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim
And you just don't see Him
Remember you're never alone

He sees the master plan
And He holds our future in His hand
So don't live as those who have no hope
All our hope is found in Him
We see the present clearly
But He sees the first and the last
And like a tapestry
He's weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart

He alone is faithful and true
He alone knows what is best for you

When you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart 

© Babbie Mason

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

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