Sunday, July 10, 2011

Awesome power!!!

So far, I've done a blog post every day. And I'd really like to continue that tradition. But I sat down at the computer today, and couldn't think of what to post. No poems came to mind, and nothing amazing or terribly clever to write about either.....

And then it started to storm. I don't mean that it started to lightly rain, and the clouds made pretty forms in the sky as they gently let their moisture fall. Oh no. It started to storm.... and that means it was hard! Big time winds and rain pelting the windows. It'll be one massive mud puddle outside tomorrow, I'm sure. 

But I love storms. For one thing, I always sleep well when it storms ;). However, the real reason I love them so much is that are such an awesome picture of God's power! The fury of a storm lashing out at the world it's hitting, and the rain beating into the ground......
But especially the lightning that slashes across the sky, or completely lights it up. It is so incredible! What a powerful God to put on such a beautiful display for us! And then there's the rolling thunder that sends a thrill though your body. Ever stopped to really feel the thunder? I'm telling you, its better than any rollercoaster!

So as I enjoy the storm tonight, even with all the damage it causes, I will be thinking of my powerful and amazing God, and this mighty creation He has given me.
I hope that you can see the Lord's power in your life, through the storms in nature, and through whatever storm He's brought to your soul now. Rest in peace with Him knowing that He controls even the storms.

Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥

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