Thursday, August 18, 2011

A mission field for me?

Been kind of thinking lately about college.... shocking, I know, since I'm leaving in 8 days to go there ☺. But seriously. Its a big step in my life and sometimes I wonder if I'm ready for it. 

I have surrendered my life to the Lord to go wherever He wants me. Sometimes I feel that He has called me to the mission field, and truly, if He saw fit to send me there, that is one of the highest honors and privileges I can think of. To serve my King somewhere I've never been before, and to be a testimony for Him everywhere I go, even simply by the way I live, is the desire of my heart.

You know what? He has sent me to a mission field! Its somewhere that I've not lived before. Its a new life and a new set of people that I've never reached out to. I will be a living testimony of Him just by being there and definitely by how I carry myself and how I act and treat others. 

This mission field isn't another country. I'm not learning a new language, and I will still have the same "comforts of home" so to speak. But I am leaving my family, my home, my church, my friends and all that is familiar to me. I'm stepping out into a new life that is completely different. A different "family", different friends, a different atmosphere, and many new responsibilities. Its a test of who I really am. And sometimes I wonder if I'm ready for it.

The only thing that will be constant and always the same? My God. And knowing that, I'm literally smiling at the thought ☺. He will always be there for me, and no matter where I go, He will bring the right people along to be there for me, to guide me, and if He knows better than that, He will always be there for me Himself! What an awesome, amazing thought! The God of the universe, that controls everything we know, and so much more that we don't, will always be there for me!!!!!!  He cares enough about me to take time to mold my life and shape me into the person He wants me to be. 

But it also comes with a responsibility. He's taking the time for me, but am I taking the time for Him? Am I letting Him mold my life and shape me? Am I giving Him everything and surrendering to Him day by day? I fall so short of where I should be in my walk with the Lord. So far from what I want to be, and the closeness that I long and yearn for. Its been a huge challenge to me whenever I start thinking about a "special someone" or my "somedays" to turn my thoughts instead on the One that can fill my life right now. He is the only One that can make me truly content and happy, and if I'm not satisfied with Him now, I won't ever be satisfied, no matter what relationship or situation I am in.

So I'm heading to my mission field, and as I think about it, my God has truly given me the desire of my heart. He's made me a missionary for Him. I will give all I have to what He has called me to, knowing that I will be happy there because that is where He has placed me. 

Make today count! It's all you're guaranteed.
~ Amanda ♥

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