I am feeling kind of overwhelmed these days.
It seems like every time I turn around, there is a message, a class, a devotional, a special verse, a challenge or SOMETHING that is talking about prayer.
I've always heard that when you truly start to have a prayer life, it will revolutionize the way you see your walk with God and how you live from day to day. Of course, I believed what they said. These are great men and women of God! But very similar to my ideas of God as a young child, belief does not mean reality. And this was more of an abstract idea than a real truth.
But after countless heartaches, trials, bad days and tripping on the stairs, I've learned something.
Sometimes you have to DO to understand.
Now, I fully understand that for most people this is not a stunningly new concept. Of course you have to do something to really understand it, right? I mean, doesn't everyone know that? That's what hands-on learning is all geared towards!
But that's not really what I mean.
Take prayer for instance. You can hear every great message in the world about prayer and you can believe what everyone has said, and yes, even desire it for yourself. But until you actually DO what you've made a decision to do, you'll never really understand.
Prayer really changes things! I have seen so many random blessings and amazing answers to prayer in my daily walk with God. It was truly incredible to see some of the things that God has taught me, and it humbles and thrills me at the same time. On the one hand I can hardly believe that God would be so good and gracious to me when I've neglected my daily walk with Him so many times. Makes me feel so small.......but on the flip side of the same coin, I almost stop breathing with joy when He shows me things in the Bible so clearly. He is always answering my questions exactly as I ask them.
The other day, I was really struggling with a burden the Lord had laid on my heart. I don't think I could even go back and tell you exactly where all the verses were that He used, but I fired all my questions at Him, and He answered them exactly every time through His Word! Don't tell me that the Bible isn't alive and tremendously powerful today because I know that it is!
This has been one of the most revolutionary times in my life as I learn more and more about Who my Saviour really is and how much deeper I can go and still not find the depths of His love and greatness. He is truly awesome and there really are no words that adequately describe His love for me.
I'm truly overwhelmed.
Make today count!
~ Amanda ♥